அனாவசிய வம்பை விலைக்கு வாங்காதே!
அனாவசிய வம்பை விலைக்கு வாங்காதே! பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த் யாரையோ குறி வைத்து யார் சம்பந்தமில்லையோ, அவர்கள் பிரச்சனையை குறியின் பிரச்சனைப் போல் கை கால் சைகை மூலம்...
அனாவசிய வம்பை விலைக்கு வாங்காதே! பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த் யாரையோ குறி வைத்து யார் சம்பந்தமில்லையோ, அவர்கள் பிரச்சனையை குறியின் பிரச்சனைப் போல் கை கால் சைகை மூலம்...
Roses have soft petals and prickly thorns with green leaves regardless of the flower color.
Similarly, life offers joy and sorrows, success and failures that are to be accepted as reality. Cherish joyful moments and erase sad memory.
Acknowledge responsibility for your failure and share credit with others on success. Though the reverse is the common practice.
Quit lies and deception as they are self-defeating. Help and not hurt others. Live and let others live peacefully. Life is an opportunity to review, recognize and reform.
Wasting time and resources in negativity is a sign of deterioration and inner conflict eventually leading to cessation.
The one who tries to please all pleases none due to disingenuous disposition embarked in self-interest.
Sweet scent captivates sense. Beautiful art attracts attention. The fragrance and spellbound beauty in nature is the breathtaking landscape with a blue sky, vast oceans, rugged mountains, snowy alps and green forests are beyond expression.
Earth is a treasure and gift to all living beings that deserves care and protection for survival now and in the future.
Padmini Arhant
அழிவின் காரணம்
பெண்ணின் இழிவு அழிவு. பெண் பாவம் பின் பாவம் காலமாகி தற்சமய பாவமாகியுள்ளது.
எத்தகை ஆதிக்கம். பிறரின் உரிமையை பறித்து தன் சுகம் ஏகபோகம் பணம் புகழ் பதவி அனுபவம் அழிவின் அஸ்திவாரம்.
சர்வாதிகாரம் எங்கும் எப்பவும் சர்வநாசம்.
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
Fakery in Politics’ Bakery
Why does fakery stand out in politics’ bakery?
It is obviously stale stock rebuffed with stand out flavors palatable to vendors’ liking rather than consumers’ taste.
Importantly, how does politics utilize own inventory to maintain control despite win or lose election?
By using two or multiple stocks from the same inventory representing the same power mongering controlling clique. They are deployed for the same purpose benefitting the same old establishment and power centrifuge. Nonetheless, assuming diametrically opposite roles purely for optics.
The one female member overtly pushed in the front line as the syndicate choice all the way to the highest position – such as the Presidency though in practice resigned to be the servile obedient puppet to behind the scenes puppeteers never wanting to let go of the control freak enigma.
While the other, deployed as opposition to the political class i.e. the recruiter having recruited the female representative initially as the member of Congress, foreign affairs committee, intelligence committee and variety…and suddenly designated the national adversary asset – such as the Russian asset.
When in reality, the recruit is the political party hired asset to negate the actual target eternally regarded the arch nemesis by individual and collective anti-republic and anti-humanity force.
The pseudo paradoxical recruit is conveniently placed to be the nominee in the most sensitive position like the National Intelligence Director to infiltrate the elected opposition and provide the service in accordance with the contrived situation.
Similarly. the other top positions such as the second-in-line VP breathing over Presidency is a hack to favor those running the gamut in the political game.
At the end of the day, the hyenas can never pretend to be the doe and buck for too long.
It is not in politics’ nature to be true, transparent and trustworthy. Simply not possible by default in politics’ character.
However, the curtains do fall and the show ends to relieve the foul play fatigued captive audience sooner than later.
Padmini Arhant
Propaganda brings down the propagandists to the point of no return after exhausting its course.
Similarly, spewing venom incessantly at the target consumes the source post depletion with nothing to protect itself from imminent hazards within and in the environment.
The Kingdom of lies, deception and dishonesty denying other’s rights and life ultimately crumble from the extensive damage inflicted by own doing.
Plagiarism, identity theft, pseudo performance…is escapism in self-embarrassment, ineptness and insecurity typically running away from self to be another by forgery. The actions, nonetheless instantaneously expose the desperate fraudsters and fakers’ futile engagement.
The irony is such indulgence often presumed convincing to captive audience. However, the witnesses to duplicity i.e. inner conscience besides the all knowing all seeing Supreme Light that dispels darkness remain the constant reminder to the guilty shackled in sins of their sinful existence.
The outcome representing the natural effects.
What is served to others is received in fair and equal proportion if not more in accordance with laws of Karma.
It is wise to be mindful not to ignore the inevitable from own action.
Padmini Arhant
Those who engage as the devils’ advocate in disguise or overt surrogate regardless have chosen pitfall in their destination individually and collectively on own volition.
Choosing friends carefully and enemies wisely serve well in own survival in the toxic environment.
Padmini Arhant
Good health is a priority and cannot be ignored for other commitments in life. Adapting a healthy lifestyle with well nourished diet and regular physical activity is the basic step towards healthy existence.
Physical well being is one aspect of health while mental and emotional status equally play an important role in overall health. Stress is a major factor that leads to many illnesses beginning with high blood pressure that could cause heart disease and stroke.
In some cases stress related anxiety trigger unnecessary imbalances in brain and other vital functions affecting immune system. Keeping check on stress with mind relaxation like meditation and observing silence for minimum 15-20 minutes a day and increasing the duration would be helpful to calm and sooth nerves to improve focus on daily activity.
Wealth associated with material acquisitions ranging from money, property to other expensive assets are often regarded most important in life.
Though decent earnings and comforts are necessary for survival, the desire for unlimited wealth due to greed is the primary cause of many problems in the world. Greed is the reason behind corruption, deception, fraud and unfair as well as unlawful indulgence against others in business and personal dealings that are on the rise despite legal consequences unfortunately not binding on all.
Wealth in monetary terms is a familiar concept in life. Wealth other than cash value is rarely contemplated in the mad rush for possessions in life.
Knowledge and ability to use information for positive results is key to success in life. Sharing and contributing for universal benefit is another form of wealth that is unique to individual talent.
Caring and compassion deficient in the competitive material world qualifies as wealth that yields returns in good karma. Wealth is expansive in sowing seeds to develop skills and nurture ability among those deprived of opportunity. The seeds growing into trees bearing fruits in the full bloom orchard is far more rewarding.
Hoarding wealth by illegal means like corruption and tax evasion is a generic formula.
Wealth earned from hard work and struggles are distinctive from wealth attained by short cuts and crooked methods depriving many their due share either in business or diverse transactions involving payments for products and services received in cash or kind.
The art of deception is yet another tactic in denying anyone the fair exchange. The element of trust is no longer guaranteed in the increasing violations among those engaged in making fast bucks and quick rich scheme aimed at vulnerable targets in society.
Then there are incidents of use and abuse of others ideas and contributions to personal benefit or political motives without acknowledgment or recognition of the provider.
The trend riding on others back and unloading damaged goods on them has become convenient for opportunists exploiting patience and goodness of the abused without realizing imminent consequences of such actions.
In a nutshell, those treading on the path towards extensive financial gains and aspirations at others expense might experience pleasure and profitability that are short-lived in the inevitable payback in living and upon departure from the world. Not withstanding self-imprisonment with the guilt haunting during physical life.
Though charitable activities among the wealthy are necessary and appreciative. Venerable are those who provide in the absence of affordability omit or limit their needs to accommodate desperate conditions of anyone known and unknown to them.
Ability to refine thought process in finding solutions to problems at ease. There is misconception on common sense as average capability when inventions and breakthroughs in human evolution is prompted by common sense.
Without understanding the basics that requires the use of common sense extraordinary goals are not possible in any domain.
From alphabet soup to simple arithmetic calculations, chemical formulas and binary digits revolutionized technology, common sense is critical in development and enhancement of skills to explore options leading to creativity and ingenuity.
Inability to apply common sense in elementary to complex tasks often leads to irreversible outcome. Intelligence foundation is common sense providing clues to solving minor to major problems in life.
Wisdom is the fruit of knowledge.
The knowledge is premised on diverse sources such as learning and training – attending educational institutions and professional academy.
Knowledge is also naturally gifted and skills acquired by self-experiment through trial and error methods etc.
Not all knowledge is derived from text books and borrowed materials as misconstrued in assessment of intelligence. The knowledge from individual quest prompting innovation, innate creativity, independent thinking and personal life experience as the lifelong learning center is the seat of intellect.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Editor
Get over the 🙏🏽🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🙏🏿
mania as that is not going to deliver what is aimed at and desired in vain except confirming your asinine indulgence.
Besides in politics such as Indian corrupt criminal signature trait is exclusively yours and no monkey see monkey do act can change it for it is attached to you like skin and bone.
Padmini Arhant
Indian incumbent Prime Minister, Home Minister and so-called political opposition in India kow-towing to international clique, their masters in global arena are reminded once and for all on status quo between you and me and that is explicitly fait accompli.
Accordingly politics squandering public taxpayers money in pseudo elections against me to serve megalomaniacal egotistical political aspirations is lunacy reflecting desperate times seeking desperate downfall – the current stark reality.
Padmini Arhant
The real beauty lies in heart, mind and soul reflected in deeds, dedication and selfless sacrifice.
Padmini Arhant
Absolute Truth
Life is a gift. Living own life is an art. Those who live others life i.e. wasting their time in snooping. spying and snitching on others typically declare themselves corpses for they never live own life or mind their business.
Get over envy before this dreadful disease called jealousy consumes you. Envy is also a sign of inadequacy and insecurity.
Malice is a malignant cancer that affects the source rather than the target exemplifying what goes around comes around.
Hatred and prejudice towards anyone is a reflection of inner self – the unhappiness and hopelessness in oneself evolve into unnecessary agony for them. Once again a self-inflicted injury eventually hurt the origin not the one that is aimed at.
Those who fail to live their life and instead steal others life and identity are morbid losers. They are ashamed of admitting their personal profile and characteristics while being foremost in targeting those who care less about them or their opinion.
With unknown factors on life existence such as time, condition and situation, don’t throw away life in obsession about anyone or anything. Such living is counterproductive and clearly signify lifelessness.
Life is a gift Live your life and let others live theirs.
Padmini Arhant
The differences between original and fake are;
The original is meaningfully true, natural and authentic whereas the fake is false, manufactured and disingenuous.
Those using the fake to justify their fraudulence convince the gullible on anything not the alert and wise.
Original is and will always be original. Imitation is an enamel that slips and fades after minimal use.
The example is real gold i.e. original and the imitation that is plated with artificial alloy painted in gold color. Needless to say there is no match in quality and value.
Similarly, the imitation could be embarrassing for those wearing wig blown away in public with gusty wind exposing reality.
Furthermore, the original need not prove anything to anyone and apologize to none for being as such – truthful and genuine.
Again, using the fake to bash or tarnish original highlight lame wicked cowardly tactics affecting the source and catalysts not in the least the original target.
Padmini Arhant
The enemy unable to fight own battle within self and succumb to self-destruction is least threatening and unworthy of any attention.
Could an enemy taking marching orders from Saitans within i.e. own mind and outside be smart, courageous and powerful?
Obviously not. Instead they are dumb, weak and powerless.
Could an enemy using proxies, pawns and puppets in nuanced attacks and insinuations have any merit and credibility?
The fact they rely on manufactured concoctions much to self-embarrassment and self-defeating purpose suffice response. Not to mention the inability to face whom they target via ethics and intellect, the attributes oxymoron to them except developing mob mentality.
The enemy utilizing own dead or alive inventory against the target exemplify fait accompli.
More than anything, the morbid culture to associate target with deceased exalt the challenged to glory in repeat resurrection to life compared to Jesus Christ in one time resurrection.
Could an enemy’s obsession and chronic fixation gain anything other than wasting life?
Such indulgence invariably result in self-mortification.
Why worry about an enemy preoccupied in self-termination?
Padmini Arhant
Courtesy – China Observer Vision Times.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Why do some engage in trash talk and vicious propaganda about others and pre-occupy in self-condescendence?
Answer: Such behavior is related to them having nothing in defense on their criminal activities except relying on offense sabotaging self-respect if at all they had any and continue to make a fool of themselves in the process.
The compulsive conduct is also a reflection of their inadequacies and severe deficit in values defining character and substance or the lack thereof prompting asinine indulgence much to self-embarrassment.
Padmini Arhant
Minding own affairs is the place to start to get things in order.
Unfortunately, there are folks preoccupied in intrusion and invasion of space and others’ rights much to own peril. They waste life that could be lived productively in otherwise counterproductive lifestyle.
Checking own shortcomings and status quo for improvement and revival from point of no return would provide basic guidance in averting disaster.
Fatal obsession with others life and identity is destructive. It leads to indefinite suffering and burden on soul. The agonizing experience guaranteed upon departure from the world and beyond.
Live your life not others in the limited life span. Life offers opportunity to deal with karmic obligations. It is continued until the account settled with dues to none.
Any satisfaction from hurting and harming others is sadistic pleasure. The indulgence has internal impact on source sustaining injury and insult to intelligence.
Never assume relief or redemption from sins and wrongdoings without penance and repentance.
Axis of evil with malice and hubris ends up in the ditch.
The digger digging grave in the attempt to bury others invariably leaves the digger buried in return.
Nothing is free in the time and space yielding profits and losses based on investments and strategy requiring ingenuity and labor. To some crooked means riding on others back and exploitation is inherent trait.
In following the simple rules, one could benefit living a fruitful and respectful life.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
COVID-19 Test Result – California, USA
Dear PadminiArhant,
The result of your 7/24/2020 COVID-19 test was negative. You do not currently have COVID-19 infection. Please continue to wear a mask when you leave your house, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently.
This letter may be presented to your employer if needed.
Thank you for choosing Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.
NB. The above test is the very first one on voluntary basis. It does not involve any previous positive test leading to hospitalization, medical treatment for any COVID 19 symptoms and subsequent discharge for that matter.
Padmini Arhant
Free world and free society would represent freedom of choice.
Being able to exercise freedom in life on all matter define liberty.
None have the right or authority to seize others freedom in the space and time that are exclusive to every individual.
Forcing anything by coercion, manipulation or mass deception only result in resistance and rejection.
Choice is fundamental to distinguish one from another.
Merit translated into delivery quintessential in evaluating performance.
Substance important and relevant than symbolic synthetic symbiosis sponging off others.
Submission to compulsion is contradiction to selection and option.
Choice is the ultimate choice in living a life without having to pay a price in self-sacrifice.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Life is a blessing. Live your life not others and introspect within to make it better.
Success granted denying others their legitimate rights to success is never a success.
Never claim anything that does not belong to you.
Repeating a mistake is blunder.
Even the rock is reduced to rubble. Might and power are perceptions in the mind susceptible to folly and fallacy.
Be true to yourself so you can be true to others near and far.
When you seize others rights, You cease to exist.
Don’t run away from you. Face your inner self with courage and dignity.
Share love, peace and kindness towards all. Spare others from hate, envy and abuse.
Treat others the way you want to be treated by them.
Respect others life, rights and space.
Respect is a two way street. Not one way with a dead end.
Defeat your enemy within, you win love all around.
When others define you, that is impression. When you define yourself through your inner abilities and deeds that is self-realization -Nirvana.
Padmini Arhant
Lip service is common.
Delivery exemplify action.
Fake and imitation are not original.
Padmini Arhant
Reunion with Divinity in Celestial Domain
விஷமான கற்றாழை விஷமுள்ள கிருமியைவிட விஷமாகியிருந்தும் தன்னை தின மலர் என்று பொது மக்களை ஏமாற்றி காசுக்காக
சமூக ஊடகம் மற்றும் செய்தி தொழிலை விபச்சாரம் நடத்துவது ஒரு கேவலமான நிலமையாகும். இந்த வகையில் செயல் படுவது செத்துப் போன பொருளாதாரத்தைத் தெளிவாக காண்பிக்கிறது.
இந்த தரம் கெட்ட செய்கையில் ஈடு படுவது இவர்களின் அழிவு காலத்தின் அறிகுறியாகும். தின மலர் வாடி கருகி போனது உறுதி. இதை சுற்றியியுள்ள அனைத்தும் மற்றும் இந்த முறையை கடைபிடிப்பவர்கள் அதே கெதியை பெறுவது நிச்சயம்.
அதே போல் சிவப்பு நிறம் ஆபத்தின் சின்னமாகும். அப்படி இருக்கையில் தன் பெயரை சிவப்பென்று சொல்லிக்கொண்டு அந்நியர்கள் மற்றும் கறுப்புச் சட்டைக்கு தூக்கு தூக்கும் இந்த போலி காவிச் சட்டை எதிரி சமூக ஊடகம் மூலம் மக்களை முட்டாளாக கருதுவது அயோக்கியத்தின் உச்ச கட்டமாகும். இந்த ரகமும் விபச்சாரம் என்பதை நிரூபிக்கிறது. அதோடு அவரவரின் கேடு காலத்தையும் பிரதிபலிக்கிறது.
சவுக்கு சங்கர் யார்?
விநோதமான பெயரை சூட்டிக் கொண்டு சமீப எட்டு வருட காலமாக பத்திரிகை எழுத்தாளர் என்று தமிழ் நாடு மற்றும் மாநில கட்சிகளின் பிரமுகராக மீடியா சுற்றுலா வரும் இந்த நபர் உண்மையில் யார்?
தேச துரோகம், கொலை, கொல்லை, அராஜகம், அநியாயம், அளவு கடந்த அட்டூழியம் மற்றும் பெரும் தகை ஊழழில் மூழ்கியிருக்கும் அரசியல் கட்சிகளின் அடியாராக இருக்கும் இத்தகைய முன்னனிக்குப் பின்னால் யார் யாரெல்லாம் பின்னணி என்பதை பொது தலத்தில் கூறவும்.
மேற்கொண்டு, தனது அரசியல் விமர்சகர் என்ற செயலுக்கு எவ்வளவு விலை என்று யார் யாரிடமிரிந்து எவ்வளவு வருமானம் என்பதையும் பொது மக்கள் மத்தியில் வைக்கவும்।
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
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