Politics – Race Card
Padmini Arhant
Politics playing race card is nothing new.
However, what politics vehemently refuse to acknowledge beginning with politics is that:
It is not the color or creed rather deed, deed and deed alone that really ever matter in living and after demise especially post-life as all have to deal with further destination beyond life.
This point in time i.e. judgment is the ultimate and critical aspect as it is literally the turning point one way or another entirely dependent on nothing but one’s deed registered and documented by the all-knowing and all-seeing Supreme light which is the Supreme Soul – with no specific form or identity.
The deed of all living creatures relevantly human Souls experience over many lives are maintained in the Soul’s database without being able to manipulate or subvert unlike it is done in this physical world.
The deed or actions of a person is the determining factor of individual character regardless of color, shape, size and other physical attributes that are given importance by politics obviously for political reason and other personal as well as vested interests.
The skin pigmentation viz. melanin or for that matter the lighter tone, dark and light shades found in human race are not the indicator of any status i.e. holier than thou or the other extreme evil.
The example of skin color and contrasting qualities considering politics delving into religious relics and prophet image impetus comparisons for better understanding and significance of deed not creed or color that is the criteria for human value.
The latest information on Jesus being black is reportedly the hot topic seeking attention.
In this case – giving the benefit of doubt that Jesus is black and that Jesus revered as the Lord not for skin color rather teaching humanity through exemplification to refrain from sinning and pursue the path of righteousness not self-righteous as all prophets from different religions in different time period have conveyed the message to conform to the ultimate source of this divine truth being the one and only Almighty God.
Lord Jesus holiness is directly linked to virtues demonstrated in selfless service to humanity and implementing God’s will for the collective greater good of mankind. It has nothing to do with any type of skin color.
Juxtaposed – the East African nation Uganda’s former President Idi Amin was black being native African with a towering height 6’4” and fairly large size in physical weight and proportion. The Ugandan President Idi Amin’s Islam adoption prior to national status was premised on political gains while the Ugandan President had cordial relations with Israel.
The former Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol’s wife dancing with then Ugandan Military Chief Idi Amin was reminisced by Uganda and Israel during the Ugandan President Idi Amin’s horrific tenure.
If the skin color regarded by politics as the be all and end all of human status, then assuming,
Jesus is Black and on the other hand the East African nation Uganda’s late President Idi Amin was unequivocally black given the certainty of the former African President’s origin.
Jesus preached and practiced peace, compassion, care, love and respect amongst all barring any form of negative traits like hatred, prejudice, apathy and a wide range of human characteristics.
Paradoxically the African nation Ugandan former President Idi Amin’s profile and legacy reeked violence, authoritarianism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, brutality and even cannibalism…directly contradictory to everything Jesus is representative of in Biblical to the contemporary time.
The skin color or tone being black or any other shade has nothing to do with divinity or mortal being.
The deed exclusively and never the color, creed and any other physical statistics such as height, weight, size, shape and looks etc.,bear relevance nor credence in spiritualism.
The same upon applicable in human life on earth which is transitional journey for the soul would alleviate unnecessary stress and sweat over flesh and body that eventually decay and decompose in burial or burnt into ashes upon cremation depending on the deceased religious ritual or individual preference.
That being said, politics focus on deed beginning with self quitting corruption, criminality and counterproductive indulgence would do wonders to the world in the least make the world a better place for all regardless of identity classifications.
Padmini Arhant
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