Identity Politics Galore
Padmini Arhant
The United States Supreme Court until now represented by nine justices of Jewish origin so far.
Among them, there were already three jewish justices on the bench including two female counterparts viz. late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the later appointment of Justice Elena Kagan during the present administration as the predecessor in 2010.
The present jewish justice Stephen Breyer’s forced retirement replacement is being considered with yet another jewish contender.
The highly campaigned candidate from South Carolina of jewish descent the South Carolina District Judge J. Michelle Child’s not surprisingly winning heaps of praise from the South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham besides the expected high ranking black democrats like House Majority Whip James Clyburn from the southern state of South Carolina is by any definition identity politics galore.
The incumbent administration’s Vice President Kamala Emhoff aka Kamala Harris tying the knots in 2014 in what is described as the low key affair with Lawyer Douglas Emhoff of Jewish background cannot be ignored in the assessment of identity politics.
The current VP’s caribbean – jewish profile proudly claimed by the designee as the first black female is again identity politics abound.
The latest proposal of the Supreme Court nominee J. Michelle Child’s also sharing a caribbean – jewish profile like the incumbent Vice President, the season happens to be caribbean – jewish combination for the blackness and jewishness appeal to those in awe of specific identity politics.
The memory lane also provides more details on the jewish factor in American Presidency and Vice Presidency as follows:
The former President Donald J. Trump’s daughter Ivanka Kushner married to jewish Jared Kushner designated as the Senior Adviser to the President of the United States in the Trump administration.
The former female Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton marriage to investor Marc Mezvinsky – jewish origin. The daughter’s marriage prior to the candidate’s Presidential bid in 2008 and 2016 verify the relationship.
The former biracial President Barack Obama’s spouse Michelle Obama claiming to have a jewish Uncle who was also apparently a Rabbi according to the claimant. The public statement made in 2008 during the downward spiraling of the contender Barack Obama’s democratic primary against then fierce democrat contestant Hillary Clinton.
The yet another Presidential candidate Al Gore with jewish Vice President running mate Joseph Lieberman, democrat senator from Connecticut at that time also stated as a rabbi in the public domain.
The United States Congress – the House, Senate and the executive branch other than judiciary pledge of allegiance to the jewish state of Israel and compliance with AIPAC – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee requirements such as free unconditional financial and military aid at American taxpayers expense are not uncommon.
The Congress members in non-adherence to this effect have been eliminated from politics is widely known in the circle and public arena.
These are few examples among several accounts on the jewish factor being critical in major public and private appointments in the United States and elsewhere.
Whoever thinks or dare say the jewish lobby isn’t powerful not only in American politics but global polity with jewish Trillionaire Rothschild seated in London and the world’s richest tech giants as founders and co-founders in the software and social media conglomerate exerting authority with censorship.
Above all, the jewish multi-billionaire George Soros’ influence and interference in geopolitics, economy and social engineering is widely experienced by nations left with political tumult and economic ruin in different parts of the world. Ukraine is one among many nations enduring the grueling economic sabotage linked to such intrusion.
Perhaps the United States jewish and/or jewish oriented academia as influential think tank might differ and disagree with the well established and substantiated fact.
Is there any anti-semitism with reference Jew or Jewish while presenting the reality and factual information on the related topic?
In analogous to beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, the perception is the reflection of mind subject to convenient thoughts.
Human behavior demonstrated in tolerance and acceptance of all creations as no lesser beings with only deeds and character matter in living and ultimate journey upon departure from the world is the solemn truth.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter——————————————————————————-
Identity Politics
Padmini Arhant
The trend promoting identity politics in democracies in particular such as the claims as world’s old democracy like the United States or the largest democracy India, both deeply engaged in identity politics exclusively for political advantage is a setback for any democracy.
The appointment to highest positions in government whether executive, legislative or judiciary is a serious responsibility and deserve appropriate consideration. The role is undermined when appointments are based on personal and political calculations in the election year or quid pro quo deal within or outside political realm.
Often elections are the motivating factor for political appointments involving identity politics.
When identity politics is the center piece ignoring merit and other critical criteria, the key positions to which the appointee is selected entirely on identity profile, that designation and duty are diminished to serving mere political requirement.
Furthermore, the nominee to those highest service is expected to serve the nation at large transcending social economic and political classifications regardless of personal background.
The identity based candidacy in such appointments unfairly isolated and demarcated into a specific category based on race, gender, ethnicity and various denominations in society is hardly an acknowledgment of that individual’s credentials or the lack thereof.
The selection process prioritizing identity in physical attributes discounting or dismissal of mental capability and vital job oriented expertise in such nomination leading to appointment is a devaluation of the post seeking efficiency and relevant acumen.
Notwithstanding the appointee under these benchmarks subject to condescendence and patronization.
The diversity in major representation and across the spectrum in a democracy is welcome and essential to maintain social and economic progress. However, the opportunity utilized for political reasons set bad precedence neglecting the importance of service requiring competence, caliber and credibility.
The nominee in compliance of identity specifications alone do not satisfy the eligibility touchstone to positions demanding landmark decisions and sometimes controversial approach in any issue.
The candidate rising well and beyond the normal standards reflected in accomplishments and trajectory merit due recognition honoring the individual’s milestones as best suited for the coveted function in public or private sector.
The democracies departure from identity politics distinct in prejudice and preference in recruitments would do the nation and citizens a huge favor besides validating the esteemed distinguished job status.
Needless to say substance matter than symbolism.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
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