Guilt and Convictions
Padmini Arhant
Politics is never spared from scoops and scandals simply because of those unwilling to take a bow and move on with better things in life.
The egregious and foolhardy amongst all is such characters adamant to revise their legacy via subversion and bizarre re-enactments of their crimes in the futile self-vindication.
These three events lately bear relevance to such political revision.
The drone saga – there has been alarming interest and legitimate concerns over drone activity up in the sky.
Upon the well established knowledge highlighted recently on the Barack Obama Presidency legacy earning the erstwhile ‘Drone King’ title related to extensive deployment of drones during both terms in office – 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – 2024, the drones resurface on the sky for obvious reasons.
The drones spotted of varying descriptions and altitude range notably hovering on the blue states sky – New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and of course it has to be in California – Since San Francisco and the State of California is mandatory inclusion in smear, dirty campaign associated with political vendetta beginning 2009 till date.
Nonetheless, the dragging of California in anything and everything is synonymous to conscription in the defense force as applicable.
Notwithstanding, the mandatory subjecting of California, San Francisco /Bay Area in particular to anything bad, controversial is at best sinister and self-perilous at worst.
The other incident is the shooting of the United HealthCare CEO, Brian Thompson.
The murder suspect in the hoodie described as Computer programmer with affiliation to ivy league schools and eventually circle back at San Francisco, California.
It goes without saying – murder and killing of anyone would only be a choice for the minds guided by the devil dominant in their heart and mind with killers surrendered to devil’s diktat. Those sharing empathy for killers only confirm their state of mind and penchant for violence.
However, this incident is twisted by the devil’s advocate in the outreach as overt surrogate to evade accountability in the mystery death of black American Tafri Campbell, the personal chef of Barry / Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.
Tafri Campbell, the young black father of teenage twins who mysteriously got eliminated in the supposedly paddle boat freak accident at the Obamas’ Martha’s Vineyard estate door step.
Although, the settings in the killing of the United Health Care CEO, Brian Thompson and the murder suspect involved comprise conflicting cause and effect in motive and action.
The Tafri Campbell paddle boat incident at the Obamas’ lake front estate in the shallow lake compared to kids pool in depth resulting in the death of over 6’2” adult, a verified confident swimmer from the footage in public domain is not something that could be drowned as such to fit the false narrative maintained till date.
Yet, the recruits in legal garb in social media posing as the empathizer of the Healthcare CEO murder victim essentially defending and shielding the crimes of those hiding behind race and political immunity in Tafri Campbell and Miriam Carey killings in public view.
The last but not the least is Miriam Carey.
The young black mother and the rape victim summarily executed in public square in 2014 at Barry / Barack Obama and Michelle Obama authorized taxpayer funded personal security guards and D.C. police firing squad brutal execution of an unarmed civilian with a toddler in the back seat of her car.
The crime committed with authorization from above as the highest political authority is incontrovertible.
In the latest out-of-the-blue news snippet, the confession from a black woman – profiled as a stripper performing back then in 2006 falsely accused three white male students from Duke Lacrosse team of having raped her now reportedly serving sentence for murder of her boyfriend two years ago is reported to have released a public statement of her remorse on her earlier false accusation against the white students in 2006.
Regardless of these past and present concoctions of events and incidents through desperate cantankerous hires in social and mainstream media to rewrite one’s violent history and trajectory as otherwise in image management,
The efforts only reinforce the convictions in these crimes – drone killings worldwide, Miriam Carey and Tafri Campbell murder during and after Barack Obama Presidency and Michelle Obama at the White House when these incidents took place with Tafri Campbell being the extended service from the White House to the Obamas Martha’s Vineyard estate.
One could perhaps exhaust all available means at their disposal in terms of privileges and political impunity to evade culpability and guilt in their lifelong crimes and wrongdoings.
They may even have their diverse crony contingency rushing to their indefensible defense. In the course them rejecting the victims’ lives of no value in the abject abuse of political power and misuse of authority is even a greater sin.
The Karmic woes and sins are not easily dispensed with. The ultimate judgment weighing on these actions as willful indulgence are already conspicuous in the guilt ridden minds seeking any short cuts and strategy to absolve them in vain.
One reaps what one sows in life.
Expecting anything different is denial of fate exacerbating the present and imminent ramifications.
Padmini Arhant
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